Tag Archives: qrp

30m QRSS Transmitter Kit

I was just reading about this exciting QRSS Transmitter Kit by Hans Summers:

This 30m QRSS Transmitter Kit was produced by Steve G0XAR and Hans G0UPL.

The kit contains a keyer chip programmed with the buyer’s callsign, all components, and a 2.5 x 2-inch PCB to build my QRSS transmitter project

More reading at Hans website, however at 15 USD it looks like another kit I can add to my wish list!

More radio kits – Small Wonder Labs

Been looking around for some kits to build and one of the places I came across was Small Wonder Labs.

I’m a bit taken by the Rock-Mite CW transciever, even a kit building noob like myself should be able to have a go at that.

The PSK kit for something like 30m might be interesting, although some of the stuff that you can do with SDR makes it a bit pricey for a once use type kit.

I dropped an enquiry email to Dave K1SWL asking about stock of the RockMite and I had a response in aobut 30 minutes, pretty good customer service.

Will make an order soon I think, mmm the smell of solder smoke, can’t wait 🙂