Met John!

Some time back John NA3J told me he would be in AU some time around the beginning of April, I hadn’t heard a lot back about it and had forgotten about it.

This morning on the way to Office Works to get a printer cartridge I turned on the rig in my car and who do I hear on the local repeater, John NA3J.

So after that freak on air meeting I just had to catchup for a eyeball QSO. Thanks to Bob VK5HAG for organising a catchup, ended up meeting with John NA3J, plus locals Bob VK5HAG, and Kevin VK5KKS at the local Fasta Pasta and having a chat for a number of hours.

I reckon it’s about 9 or 10 years since I first started talking to John over IRLP, I’d be on my way home from work in sunny SA and he’d be on the way to work in freezing Denver.

Great memories and awesome to finally meet up after all these years, a good start to the weekend. Enjoy the rest of your trip and time in VK land John.