Luca is home

I brought Caterina & Luca home from the hospital on Monday morning. We had bit of a sleepless night but thankfully he has now settled in a bit and is sleeping better, which means we sleep better too!!

Last night I uploaded some more photos of Luca from the week that he was in hospital. He’s a cute baby 🙂

I also put together another video clip.

In this video Luca is waking up, he does lots of big stretches and makes tons of faces while slowly waking up. Watch out for those arms waving about!! Also towards the end there are a few small clips of him with proud Nonno 🙂

1 thought on “Luca is home

  1. M-

    He is cute, can’t wait to give him a BIG hug….as for nappy duty, just letting you know I’m officially retired from that, I’ve done my time in the past 21 years thanks! LOL

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