It’s a boy!

Well he finally arrived!

Luca Burford was born at 10:22pm last night.

I’ve uploaded some photos of him to my photo gallery.

I’ve also made a little video using some of the clips I took on Caterina’s digital camera.

This is about 1 hour after he was born ๐Ÿ™‚

7mb Quicktime file.

29 thoughts on “It’s a boy!

  1. Michelle

    Congratulations to you all.
    Give my love to Caterina. He is a beautiful baby you should both be proud

  2. Aghi & Giovanni

    What a cutie, congratulations to you both and may God richly bless your family. May little Luca be just like his Biblical counterpart.
    All our love and best wishes
    Aghi & Giovanni

  3. Margaret Lisica

    Hi Caterina and Joseph!

    Congratulations on the birth of your son! He is so cute! I hope you have fun with him as he will grow faster than you know it!

    Lots of love,


  4. Grace Castro

    Auguri! What a beautiful baby. You must be so proud on your new achievement. May your new journey with Luca bring you many adventures and blessings.

  5. Anthony Koon

    Hi Caterina and Joseph

    Both of you are very blessed for the safe arrival of Luca. I’m waiting anxiously for the cigars to be distributed and I will have a drink with George and Lucia.

    George’s home vino!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS and waiting to catch up.

    Tony and Alice


    Caterina, You have other work to do besides being a loving mother. Do not forget BAS due end of month

  6. Bob

    Hi Cathy & Joseph,

    Thanks for the midnight wake up call but seriously, congratulations to you both…..


  7. Maria Spalding

    Dear Cathy, Joseph and now Luca
    Fantastic news, a healthy child, born to loving parents.
    Love Maria

  8. Zed, Mel, Lily & Joy

    Well done guys! We’re so happy for you that God has blessed you with a beautiful baby boy ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s awesome news! Take care of eachother and enjoy these precious times together. We love you heaps. Special hugs and kisses to baby Luca x x x

    With all our love,
    Zed, Mel, Lily & Joy x x x x

  9. Matthew and Linda Lloyd

    Congratulations Joseph and Cathy on the birth of your first baby boy! We look forward to catching up with you soon.

    Best wishes….Matt and Linda.

  10. Jodi Hickson & Gareth Cooper

    Congratulations! This is wonderful news – we cannot think of 2 more deserving people for a beautiful boy such as Luca… May the sun always shine on your face. Lotsa luv – Jodi & Gareth…

  11. Wes and Jenny Irvine

    He’s a beautiful baby boy! May you all be blessed as you share this time together.
    God bless,and sending love, Wes and Jenny.

  12. Liz James

    Welcome to the world little Luca.
    You are in very safe hands and will be guided through life by very loving parents.
    Cata, I know you were anxious for Luca to come into the world, but I’m sure you now understand he was well worth the wait.
    Joseph, you now have 2 very precious people to care for.
    Congratulations to Lucia and George, Rebecca and Maria – life will never be the same again.
    Love to you all.

  13. Zia Marie

    Welcome to the world my little precious Nephew Luca. We’ve been waiting for your arrival for so long! You are going to be one very loved baby. We are blessed to have you. May God send his finest angels to watch over you.
    Congratulations Carra & Joseph. Little Luca is very lucky to have such wonderful parents, (and of course the best Aunty ever) Love you heaps. xx

  14. Kristeen

    Congratulations Cathy and Joseph on the arrival of your precious baby boy Luca. He is soooo beautiful. He will bring you much happiness and joy. Best Wishes, Kristeen from TCB Insurance

  15. Scott Gillett

    Good one! I’m sure he’ll be a lot of fun for you to hang around with.

    All the best, Scott, Nadene, William (mr boy) & Mikayla (the bubby).

  16. Cavallaro Family

    Congratulations Cathy and Joseph on the birth of your beautiful boy. We are looking forward to catching up with you and meeting baby Luca.
    God Bless you all,
    Love Vince, Natalina, Teresa, Lidia,
    Viviana & Stuart xxx

  17. Sonia

    Congratulazioni Caterina e Joseph per il vostro piccolo Luca; รจ bellissimo…
    Dio vi benedica!
    Love gli zii, Giznluca, Sonia & Emiddio.

  18. Rachel

    A baby boy – how sweet! You must be both so proud! Love and congratulations to you both! May God bless as you both begin parenthood.
    Love Rach

  19. Claudia, Robert & Georgia Santamaria

    Congratulations Cathy and Joseph on the arrival of Luca – he is a gorgeous baby!!! No doubt you will both enjoy being parents, all the best and hope to keep seeing more photos of Luca as he grows.

    Lots of love from Claudia, Robert and baby Georgia

  20. David & Joanne

    Dear Caterina and Joseph,
    Congratulations on the arrival of Luca.
    We were so trilled to hear about the good news.
    Now you’ll need to give us tips for our baby that will be born in April.
    David & Joanne

  21. David & Joanne

    Yes that was meant to read thrilled not trilled…oops
    We were so thrilled to hear about the news.
    God bless you heaps.

  22. Beata, Chris and Izabella

    Congratulations to both of you!!!!
    He is gorgeous!!!!
    Cathy cant wait to hear how it all went, sorry we didnt get to catch up before the big event!!
    Take good care and TRY and get some rest.
    lots of love
    Beata, Chris and Izabella.

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