Category Archives: Photography

Photography bits and pieces.

Experiments in HDR

I’ve had a crack at HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography a couple of times over the last few months.

The idea is that you take multiple pictures of the same scene bracketed at different settings, ie. plus or minus 1 Fstop. You then combine all the images together with something like Photomatix and maybe tweak things up a bit.

Once the images are combined you should get something that looks better than you could take in a single image. It’s also bit of an art form where people come up with all sorts of wacky images 🙂

Anyway here’s one I took and put together on the weekend, the last day of Autumn.

More HDR experiments over here, will see what else I can try when I get some time.


A few weeks ago I installed the latest version of Zenphoto gallery to manage my photos. I’ve been using the software for 18months or so now and it just gets better and better with each release.

Highly recommended if you are looking for a simple piece of photo gallery software for your site, refreshing after the bloatedness I’m used to in Gallery 🙂

Pics from October

After a long time of not taking any photos I’ve been out and about the last few months. Here’s a couple of pics taken this month.

However I’ve realised that my 300d has dust somewhere on the sensor, thankfully it’s only minor and only shows up on certain pics taken in certain conditions.

So I’ll live with it for now and pay the $100 to get it cleaned some other month!

Thunder & Rain

We had a higher than usual amount of thunderstorms earlier in the year. However just because there is a storm around it doesn’t mean you will get any good photos!

One night back in May I went up to the hills over looking Adelaide and didn’t get much at all, this was about the only photo with much lightning in it.


The rest of the time I was sitting in the car waiting for the rain to stop, it was a fairly bleak evening.
Wet outside

Most of the time I kept myself amused by taking pics of cars driving past, not bad for a 2 second hand held exposure 🙂

Tail lights

Take luck!